
The information contained on these pages comes from a wide variety of sources and many years of learning from my own personal passion for the Matchbox brand.
Some of the sources have their own websites and I encourage you to check them out; they are with great thanks :

Matchbox Memories – This is a great site specialising in Models of Yesteryear, the information compiled by Mick Flack a renowned collector from Australia

Matchbox – This site is run by a good friend Keith D’Souza and concentrates on the 1-75 range of miniatures from 1969 onwards.

Vintage British Diecast – A great site run by Nick Jones, a man with an unbelievable passion for the older Matchbox vehicle and other British makes.  (2021 Update: Sadly this website has now disappeared, I have access to the old files vvia various sources and the great resource that Nick created will be incorporated into this website so that the valuable information is not lost.)

Dans Matchbox Pictures Page A great collection run by Dan Zsebehazy who is fantastic at documenting it in pictures on his website .

David Tilley – A fellow collector who has been the source of many of the fine images within these pages, he also compiles many of the lists we use as well.

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