
Coke Collection – Avon Exclusives

In 2001 there was a set of twin packs that were sold as exclusives via Avon.  The three sets covered different decades

1950s Coke Collection
Matchbox Coke Collection - Avon Exclusives 1950s
1957 Chevrolet Bel-Air Convertible
FJ Holden Panel Van
1960s Coke Collection
Matchbox Coke Collection - Avon Exclusives 1960s
MB405 : Volkswagen Delivery Van Matchbox MB405-07 : Volkswagen Delivery Van
MB363 : 1962 Volkswagen Beetle MB363-14 : 1962 Volkswagen Beetle
1970s Coke Collection
Matchbox Coke Collection - Avon Exclusives 1970s
MB328 : 1970 Chevrolet El Camino Matchbox MB1001 : 1970 Chevrolet El Camino
1970 Ford Boss Mustang

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