
MB837 : Superlift Ford F-350 Super Duty

First Released: 2011

Superlift & Mattel joined forces to help produce Issue #01 in real life, it was displayed at the 2011 SEMA show; which is a trade only show run by the Specialty Equipment Market Association annually in the USA.  Afterwards it has turned up in many promotional situations including the Annual Matchbox Collectors Gathering in Albuquerque.

Matchbox MB837 : Ford F-350 Super Duty Superlift


01 02 03
Matchbox MB837 : Ford F-350 Super Duty Superlift Matchbox MB837 : Ford F-350 Super Duty Superlift Matchbox MB837 : Ford F-350 Super Duty Superlift
Released: 2011
Body: Orange
Chassis: Black
Interior: Black
Wheels: 6 Spoke Ringed Gear (Black/Orange)
Windows: Smoke
Roll Bars
: Black
Tampo: Matchbox
Baseplate: ©2011 Mattel Thailand
Released: 2012
Body: Orange
Chassis: Grey
Interior: Black
Wheels: 6 Spoke Ringed Gear (Black/Orange)
Windows: Smoke
Roll Bars:
: Matchbox
Baseplate: ©2011 Mattel Thailand
Released: 2013
Body: Mint Green
Chassis: Grey
Interior: Black
Wheels: 6 Spoke Ringed Gear (Black/Orange)
Windows: Smoke
Roll Bars:
: National Parks
Baseplate: ©2011 Mattel Thailand
SEMA Las Vegas Show Exclusive 1-100 #52

10 Pack

Fire Command Playset

60th Anniversary

After only 3 outings the casting was modified and re-released as MB938


More images of the real truck:

Matchbox MB837 : Ford F-350 Super Duty Superlift Matchbox MB837 : Ford F-350 Super Duty Superlift Matchbox MB837 : Ford F-350 Super Duty Superlift
Matchbox MB837 : Ford F-350 Super Duty Superlift Matchbox MB837 : Ford F-350 Super Duty Superlift Matchbox MB837 : Ford F-350 Super Duty Superlift
Matchbox MB837 : Ford F-350 Super Duty Superlift Matchbox MB837 : Ford F-350 Super Duty Superlift Matchbox MB837 : Ford F-350 Super Duty Superlift


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