
Miniatures Box Type – D

Matchbox Box Type - D

For 5 years starting in 1962 each model in the range could be found in box type ‘D’.  There are 2 main variations of this type with some subtle sub variations.

Each box now had an image of the model instead of the line drawing of previous issues

Matchbox Box Type - D1
Available From: 1962
End Flap Text: With Serifs
Box Sides: 1 x Blue & 1 x Black
D2-A D2-B D2-C
Matchbox Box Type - D2-A Matchbox Box Type - D2-B
Available From: 1963
End Flap Text: Without Serifs
Box Sides: 1 x Blue & 1 x Black
Available From: 1965
End Flap Text: Without Serifs
Box Sides: 2 x Blue
Available From: 1966
End Flap Text: Without Serifs
Box Sides: 2 x Light Blue

*Information & images with permission from the website that was run by Nick Jones.

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