
Supreme Heroes

In 2015 a new range of premium vehicles were released all with extra tampo prints, better detail and rubber tyres.

MB860 : 2012 Ford Explorer Interceptor MB860-06 : Ford Explorer Interceptor
MB755 : Pierce Dash Fire Engine Matchbox MB755-20 : Pierce Dash Fire Engine
MB906 : 1963 Mack B Fire Truck
MB796 : Hazard Squad MB796-12 : Hazard Squad
MB885 : Renault Master Ambulance Matchbox MB885 : Renault Master Ambulance
MB379 : International Pumper
MB771 : Ford E-350 Ambulance
MB436 : 2000 Chevrolet Suburban
MB689 : 2006 Ford Crown Victoria MB689-25 : 2006 Ford Crown Victoria Police
MB801 : International Workstar Brushfire Truck Matchbox MB801-09 : International Workstar Brush Fire Truck


Matchbox Supreme Heroes Matchbox Supreme Heroes

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