Matchbox Collectibles Models of Yesteryear

U.S Postal Service Vehicles

In 1912, the Post Office was like a bank, enabling Americans to save for the future with the Postal Savings System.  Mail was often delivered in a 1912 Ford Model T Postal Truck bearing the famous U.S Army poster with Uncle Same saying ”I Want You” and now this classic delivery vehicle of the World War I era is captured in one of six die-cast replicas in the only Matchbox collection ever authorised by the U.S. Postal Service (USPS).

Each model captures a pivotal moment in USPS history

YYM38237 1912 Ford Model T Truck

”The Great War”

YYM38239 1932 Ford Model AA 1 1/2 Ton Truck

”The Great Depression”

YYM38240 1937 GMC Postal Van

”World War II Era”

YYM38241 1948 Dodge Route Van

”The Post War Era”

YYM38242 1961 International Scout 80

”The Space Age”

Matchbox Collectibles YYM38242 : 1961 International Scout 80
Matchbox Collectibles : U.S. Postal Service
Matchbox Collectibles : U.S. Postal Service (2000 Catalog Entry)
Matchbox Collectibles : U.S. Postal Service Matchbox Collectibles : U.S. Postal Service Matchbox Collectibles : U.S. Postal Service

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