Matchbox Collectibles Models of Yesteryear

YTC : Classic American Pickup Collection

Released : 1999

Matchbox Collectibles : YTC : Classic American Pickups Collection

YTC01 1941 Chevrolet AK Pickup Truck
YTC02 1946 Dodge Power Wagon WDX
YTC03 1940 Ford Pickup
YTC04 1939 REO Speedwagon
YTC05 1938 Studebaker Coupe Express Model ‘K’ Pick-Up Matchbox Models of Yesteryear YTC05 : 1938 Studebaker Coupe Express Model ‘K’ Pick-Up
YTC06 1934 International C Series Pickup

Each model came in an identical cream box with a certificate of authenticity.

Matchbox Models of Yesteryear YTC05 : 1938 Studebaker Coupe Express Model ‘K’ Pick-Up Matchbox Models of Yesteryear YTC05 : 1938 Studebaker Coupe Express Model ‘K’ Pick-Up

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