Models of Yesteryear

1958 : Models of Yesteryear

Once again the range expands with the addition of 2 new models bringing the 1958 total to 9

Issue No.  Model Name < click to enlarge >  
01 1925 Allchin Traction Engine  
02 1911 ‘B’ Type London Bus
03 1907 London ‘E’ Class Tramcar
04 1928 Sentinel Steam Wagon Y04-1-02 : 1928 Sentinel Steam Wagon
05 1929 LeMans Bentley
06 1916 AEC ‘Y’ Type Lorry
07 1918  4 Ton Leyland Van
08 1926 Morris Cowley Bullnose Matchbox - New Model
09 Fowler Showman’s Engine Matchbox - New Model

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