
MB688 : 1961 Jaguar E Type Coupe

First Released: 2006
Scale: 1/61

Pre-Production Models:

Matchbox MB688 : 1961 Jaguar E Type Coupe
Released: 2005
Body: Metallic Blue
Chassis: Blue
Interior: Chrome
Wheels: Lace (Chrome)
Windows: Clear
Tampo: –
Baseplate: ABQ14

Code 1 Models:

01 02 03
Matchbox MB688 : 1961 Jaguar E Type Coupe Matchbox MB688 : 1961 Jaguar E Type Coupe Matchbox MB688 : 1961 Jaguar E Type Coupe
Released: 2006
Body: Red
Chassis: Red
Interior: Chrome
Wheels: Tri-Star (Chrome)
Windows: Clear
Tampo: Detailed Trim & 61Jaguar (License Plate)
Baseplate: ©2005
Mattel, Inc. Thailand
Released: 2006
Body: Red
Chassis: Red
Interior: Chrome
Wheels: Tri-Star (Chrome)
Windows: Clear
Tampo: Detailed Trim & FAJ17U1R (License Plate)
Baseplate: ©2005
Mattel, Inc. Thailand
Released: 2006
Body: British Racing Green
Chassis: British Racing Green Plastic
Interior: Chrome
Wheels: Tri-Star (Chrome)
Windows: Clear
Tampo: 2006 West East Matchbox Collector Show
Baseplate: ©2005
Mattel, Inc. Thailand
1-75 #04 1-75 #04 Matchbox USA convention – Dinner Model) The licence plate with “3 12 1 SS 9 3” on it (translated to “CLASSIC”)
04 05 06
Matchbox MB688 : 1961 Jaguar E Type Coupe Matchbox MB688 : 1961 Jaguar E Type Coupe Matchbox MB688 : 1961 Jaguar E Type Coupe
Released: 2006
Body: Pale Yellow
Chassis: Pale Yellow
Interior: Chrome
Wheels: Tri-Star (Chrome)
Windows: Clear
Tampo: Detailed Trim & 61Jaguar (License Plate)
Baseplate: ©2005
Mattel, Inc. Thailand
Released: 2006
Body: Pale Yellow
Chassis: Pale Yellow
Interior: Chrome
Wheels: Tri-Star (Chrome)
Windows: Clear
Tampo: Detailed Trim & FAJ17U1R (License Plate)
Baseplate: ©2005
Mattel, Inc. Thailand
Released: 2006
Body: Black
Chassis: Black
Interior: Chrome
Wheels: 5 Spoke Updated (Chrome)
Windows: Clear
Tampo: Detailed Trim
Baseplate: ©2005
Mattel, Inc. Thailand
Stars of Cars Stars of Cars Superfast
07 08 09
Matchbox MB688 : 1961 Jaguar E Type Coupe Matchbox MB688 : 1961 Jaguar E Type Coupe Matchbox MB688 : 1961 Jaguar E Type Coupe
Released: 2007
Body: White
Chassis: White
Interior: Chrome
Wheels: Tri-Star (Chrome)
Windows: Clear
Tampo: Detailed Trim
Baseplate: ©2005
Mattel, Inc. Thailand
Released: 2007
Body: White
Chassis: White
Interior: Chrome
Wheels: Tri-Star (Chrome)
Windows: Clear
Tampo: Detailed Trim
Baseplate: ©2005
Mattel, Inc. Thailand
Released: 2007
Body: Olive Green
Chassis: Olive Green
Interior: Chrome
Wheels: Tri-Star (Chrome)
Windows: Clear
Tampo: Detailed Trim
Baseplate: ©2005
Mattel, Inc. Thailand
5 Pack : Euro Classics Best of British 1-75 #28

10 Pack

10 11 12
Matchbox MB688 : 1961 Jaguar E Type Coupe Matchbox MB688 : 1961 Jaguar E Type Coupe Matchbox MB688 : 1961 Jaguar E Type Coupe
Released: 2007
Body: Blue
Chassis: Blue
Interior: Chrome
Wheels: Tri-Star (Chrome)
Windows: Clear
Tampo: 27, Red & White Stripe
Baseplate: ©2005
Mattel, Inc. Thailand
Released: 2007
Body: Dark Blue
Chassis: Dark Blue
Interior: Chrome
Wheels: Tri-Star (Chrome)
Windows: Clear
Tampo: 6 & Blue stripe
Baseplate: ©2005
Mattel, Inc. Thailand
Released: 2008
Body: White
Chassis: White
Interior: Chrome
Wheels: Tri-Star (Chrome)
Windows: Clear
Tampo: 6 & Blue stripe
Baseplate: ©2005
Mattel, Inc. Thailand
10 Pack 1-75 #28 Best of British
13 14 15
Matchbox MB688 : 1961 Jaguar E Type Coupe Matchbox MB688 : 1961 Jaguar E Type Coupe Matchbox MB688 : 1961 Jaguar E Type Coupe
Released: 2008
Body: Charcoal Grey
Chassis: Charcoal Grey
Interior: Chrome
Wheels: Tri-Star (Chrome)
Windows: Clear
Tampo: Headlights & Taillights
Baseplate: ©2005
Mattel, Inc. Thailand
Released: 2008
Body: Charcoal Grey
Chassis: Charcoal Grey
Interior: Chrome
Wheels: Ringed Disc (Chrome)
Windows: Clear
Tampo: Headlights & Taillights
Baseplate: ©2005
Mattel, Inc. Thailand
Released: 2008
Body: Light Blue
Chassis: Light Blue
Interior: Chrome
Wheels: Tri-Star (Chrome)
Windows: Clear
Tampo: Headlights & Taillights
Baseplate: ©2005
Mattel, Inc. Thailand
5 Pack : Classic Cars 5 Pack : Classic Cars 1-75 #06
16 17 18
Matchbox MB688 : 1961 Jaguar E Type Coupe Matchbox MB688 : 1961 Jaguar E Type Coupe Matchbox MB688 : 1961 Jaguar E Type Coupe
Released: 2009
Body: British Racing Green
Chassis:British Racing Green
Interior: Chrome
Wheels: Tri-Star (Chrome)
Windows: Clear
Tampo: Orange stripe & 23
Baseplate: ©2005
Mattel, Inc. Thailand
Released: 2009
Body: Steel Blue
Chassis:Steel Blue
Interior: Chrome
Wheels: Tri-Star (Chrome)
Windows: Clear
Tampo: Detailed Trim
Baseplate: ©2005
Mattel, Inc. Thailand
Released: 2009
Body: Yellow
Interior: Chrome
Wheels: Tri-Star (Chrome)
Windows: Clear
Tampo: Detailed Trim
Baseplate: ©2005
Mattel, Inc. Thailand
Best of British 5 Pack : Classic Cars

20 Pack

1-75 #09
19 20 21
Matchbox MB688 : 1961 Jaguar E Type Coupe Matchbox MB688 : 1961 Jaguar E Type Coupe Matchbox MB688 : 1961 Jaguar E Type Coupe
Released: 2009
Body: Metallic Red
Chassis: Red
Interior: Chrome
Wheels: Tri-Star (Chrome)
Windows: Clear
Tampo: Detailed Trim
Baseplate: ©2005
Mattel, Inc. Thailand
Released: 2010
Body: Unpainted Metal
Chassis: Unpainted Metal
Interior: Chrome
Wheels: Tri-Star (Chrome)
Windows: Clear
Tampo: Red & Black stripe 12
Baseplate: ©2005
Mattel, Inc. Thailand
Released: 2011
Body: Orange
Chassis: Orange
Interior: Chrome
Wheels: Tri-Star (Chrome)
Windows: Clear
Tampo: Detailed Trim
Baseplate: ©2005
Mattel, Inc. Thailand
10 Pack : Showroom Models Lesney Edition 5 Pack: Classic Rides
22 23 24
Matchbox MB688 : 1961 Jaguar E Type Coupe Matchbox MB688 : 1961 Jaguar E Type Coupe Matchbox MB688 : 1961 Jaguar E Type Coupe
Released: 2013
Body: Dark Green
Chassis: Dark Green
Interior: Chrome
Wheels: Tri-Star (Chrome)
Windows: Clear
Tampo: Black & Orange Stripe
Baseplate: ©2005
Mattel Thailand
Released: 2018
Body: Steel Blue
Chassis: Steel Blue
Interior: Chrome
Wheels: Tri-Star (Chrome)
Windows: Clear
Tampo: 65th Anniversary
Baseplate: ©2005
Mattel Thailand
Released: 2021
Body: Light Blue
Chassis: Light Blue
Interior: Chrome
Wheels: Tri-Star (Chrome)
Windows: Clear
Tampo: Headlights & Taillights
Baseplate: ©2005
Mattel Thailand
60th Anniversary 5 Pack : Coffee Cruisers

9 Pack

5 Pack : MBX Exotic

UK Collection

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