
MB780 : 1963 Cadillac Ambulance

Released: 2009
Scale: 1/81

Original starting life as the MB700 Cadillac Hearse; after customer complaints about being inappropriate for children Mattel modified the cast to turn into an ambulance.

01 02 03
Matchbox MB780 : 1963 Cadillac Ambulance Matchbox MB780 : 1963 Cadillac Ambulance Matchbox MB780 : 1963 Cadillac Ambulance
Released: 2009
Body: White
Chassis: Chrome
Windows: Smoke
Wheels: Ringed Disc (Chrome)
Interior: Dark Red
Tampo: Gene Mercy Hospital
Baseplate: Matchbox Thailand
Released: 2010
Body: Orange & White
Chassis: Metal
Windows: Smoke
Wheels: Ringed Disc (Chrome) White Wall
Interior: Light Grey
Tampo: MBX City Ambulatory Service
Baseplate: Matchbox Thailand
Released: 2010
Body: Metallic Red & White
Chassis: Chrome
Windows: Smoke
Wheels: Ringed Disc (Chrome)
Interior: Cream
Tampo: MBX Ambulance
Baseplate: Matchbox Thailand
1-100 #56 Lesney Edition Everett Marshall Charities
04 05 06
Matchbox MB780 : 1963 Cadillac Ambulance Matchbox MB780 : 1963 Cadillac Ambulance Matchbox MB780 : 1963 Cadillac Ambulance
Released: 2010
Body: Red & White
Chassis: Chrome
Windows: Smoke
Wheels: Ringed Disc (Chrome)
Interior: White
Tampo: Miller County Ambulance
Baseplate: M.I. Thailand
Released: 2010
Body: Gold & White
Chassis: Chrome
Windows: Smoke
Wheels: Ringed Disc (Chrome)
Interior: White
Tampo: Emergency Vehicle
Baseplate: M.I. Thailand
Released: 2011
Body: Burghundy
Chassis: Gold
Windows: Yellow
Wheels: Ringed Disc (Gold)
Interior: White
Tampo: Ambulance
Baseplate: M.I. Thailand
1-100 #55

20 Pack

Walmart Exclusive 1-100 #55
07 08 09
Matchbox MB780 : 1963 Cadillac Ambulance Matchbox MB780 : 1963 Cadillac Ambulance Matchbox MB780 : 1963 Cadillac Ambulance
Released: 2011
Body: Burghundy
Chassis: Gold
Windows: Yellow
Wheels: Ringed Disc (Gold)
Interior: White
Tampo: Ambulance
Baseplate: Mattel Thailand
Released: 2012
Body: Cream
Chassis: Chrome
Windows: Light Green
Wheels: Ringed Disc (Chrome)
Interior: White
Tampo: Surfdoc (Light Brown)
Baseplate: M.I. Thailand
Released: 2012
Body: Cream
Chassis: Chrome
Windows: Light Green
Wheels: Ringed Disc (Chrome)
Interior: White
Tampo: Surfdoc (Dark Brown)
Baseplate: M.I. Thailand
20 Pack 1-100 #11

10 Pack

1-100 #11

10 Pack

Matchbox MB780 : 1963 Cadillac Ambulance After 2013 the model was cost reduced to have the window make up part of the roof before being released as MB994
Released: 2013
Body: Orange
Chassis: Chrome
Windows: Smoke
Wheels: Ringed Disc (Chrome)
Interior: White
Tampo: MBX Ambulance
Baseplate: Mattel Thailand
1-100 #20

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