
MB697 : Land Rover Defender 110

Released: 2006
Scale: 1/64

01 02 03
Matchbox MB697 : Land Rover Defender 110 Matchbox MB697 : Land Rover Defender 110 Matchbox MB697 : Land Rover Defender 110
Released: 2006
Body: Army Green
Chassis: Black
Windows: Clear
Wheels: 6 Spoke Utility (Chrome)
Interior: Brown
Tampo: MBX Mission & TF7
Baseplate: ©2005
M.I. Thailand
Released: 2006
Body: Metallic Green
Chassis: Black
Windows: Clear
Wheels: Sawblade (Chrome)
Interior: Black
Tampo: Headlights & Taillights
Baseplate: ©2005
M.I. Thailand
Released: 2006
Body: Metallic Green
Chassis: Black
Windows: Clear
Wheels: 6 Spoke Utility (Chrome)
Interior: Black
Tampo: Headlights & Taillights
Baseplate: ©2005
M.I. Thailand
(2007 Toy Fair Model – November 2006) Total production was 300 1-75 #55 1-75 #55
04 05 06
Matchbox MB697 : Land Rover Defender 110 Matchbox MB697 : Land Rover Defender 110 Matchbox MB697 : Land Rover Defender 110
Released: 2006
Body: White
Chassis: Black
Windows: Smoke
Wheels: 6 Spoke Utility (Chrome)
Interior: Black
Tampo: Headlights & Taillights
Baseplate: ©2005
M.I. Thailand
Released: 2007
Body: Red
Chassis: Black
Windows: Smoke
Wheels: 6 Spoke Utility (Black)
Interior: Black
Tampo: GB, Black & Yellow stripe
Baseplate: ©2005
M.I. Thailand
Released: 2008
Body: Brown
Chassis: Tan
Windows: Smoke
Wheels: 6 Spoke Utility (Tan)
Interior: Black
Tampo: D.E.R, 22 & Mud splatter
Baseplate: ©2005
M.I. Thailand
1-75 #55 1-75 #65 1-100 #93
07 08 09
Matchbox MB697 : Land Rover Defender 110 Matchbox MB697 : Land Rover Defender 110 Matchbox MB697 : Land Rover Defender 110
Released: 2008
Body: Yellow
Chassis: Black
Windows: Clear
Wheels: 6 Spoke Utility (White)
Interior: Black
Tampo: Defender, Headlights & Black side stripe
Baseplate: ©2005
M.I. Thailand
Released: 2008
Body: Pale Mint Green
Chassis: Black
Windows: Smoke
Wheels: Dot Dash Modern (White)
Interior: Black
Tampo: Land Rover Defender 110
Baseplate: ©2005
M.I. Thailand
Released: 2008
Body: Orange
Chassis: Black
Windows: Smoke
Wheels: 6 Spoke Utility (Chrome)
Interior: Black
Tampo: Arctic Exploration Team
Baseplate: ©2005
M.I. Thailand
Best of British Superfast Blizzard Expedition
10 11 12
Matchbox MB697 : Land Rover Defender 110 Matchbox MB697 : Land Rover Defender 110 Matchbox MB697 : Land Rover Defender 110
Released: 2009
Body: Black
Chassis: Black
Windows: Smoke
Wheels: 6 Spoke Utility (Chrome)
Interior: Black
Tampo: D.E.R, 22 & Defencder 110
Baseplate: ©2005
M.I. Thailand
Released: 2009
Body: Blue
Chassis: Black
Windows: Smoke
Wheels: 6 Spoke Utility (Chrome)
Interior: Black
Tampo: Desert Adventure
Baseplate: ©2005
M.I. Thailand
Released: 2010
Body: Orange
Chassis: Black
Windows: Smoke
Wheels: 6 Spoke Utility (Chrome)
Interior: Black
Tampo: Rainforest Excursions
Baseplate: ©2005
M.I. Thailand
Best of British 1-100 #83 1-100 #100
13 14 15
Matchbox MB697 : Land Rover Defender 110 Matchbox MB697 : Land Rover Defender 110 Matchbox MB697 : Land Rover Defender 110
Released: 2010
Body: Matt Pale Green
Chassis: Black
Windows: Smoke
Wheels: 6 Spoke Utility (Chrome)
Interior: Black
Tampo: Anaconda recovery and research
Baseplate: ©2005
M.I. Thailand
Released: 2010
Body: Matt Grey
Chassis: Black
Windows: Smoke
Wheels: 6 Spoke Utility (Chrome)
Interior: Black
Tampo: D.A.R.T
Baseplate: ©2005
M.I. Thailand
Released: 2010
Body: Pale Mint Green
Chassis: Black
Windows: Smoke
Wheels: 6 Spoke Utility (Chrome)
Interior: Black
Tampo: Forest Service
Baseplate: ©2005
M.I. Thailand
1-100 #100 10 Pack : Off Road Adventure 5 Pack : Mountain Adventure
16 17
Matchbox MB697 : Land Rover Defender 110 Matchbox MB697 : Land Rover Defender 110
Released: 2011
Body: Tan Brown
Chassis: Black
Windows: Smoke
Wheels: 6 Spoke Utility (White)
Interior: Black
Tampo: Land Rover Defender 110
Baseplate: ©2005
M.I. Thailand
Released: 2011
Body: White
Chassis: Black
Windows: Green
Wheels: 6 Spoke Utility (White)
Interior: Black
Tampo: Defender
Baseplate: ©2005
M.I. Thailand
In 2012 this casting was modified so that the snorkel was moved to the opposite side of the vehicle and the window piece now formed part of the roof/luggage area. It was then released as MB838-A
1-100 #100

10 Pack

1-100 #100

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