
01C : Road Roller (2 3/8″)

First Released: 1958
Scale: 1/86

Length: 2 3/8”

01 02 03
Matchbox 01C : Road Roller Matchbox 01C : Road Roller No Photo Available
Released: 1958
Body: Light Green
Front Wheels: Metal Roller Wide (Red)
Rear Wheels: Metal Roller (Red) – Type 1
Axle: Crimped
Released: 1958
Body: Light Green
Front Wheels: Metal Roller Wide (Red)
Rear Wheels: Metal Roller (Red) – Type 2
Axle: Crimped
Released: 1958
Body: Dark Green
Front Wheels: Metal Roller Wide (Red)
Rear Wheels: Metal Roller (Red) – Type 1
Axle: Crimped
1958 1958 1958
04 05 06
No Photo Available Matchbox 01C : Road Roller No Photo Available
Released: 1958
Body: Dark Green
Front Wheels: Metal Roller Wide (Red)
Rear Wheels: Metal Roller (Red) – Type 2
Axle: Crimped
Released: 1958
Body: Dark Green
Front Wheels: Metal Roller Wide (Red)
Rear Wheels: Metal Roller (Red) – Type 1
Axle: Rounded
Released: 1958
Body: Dark Green
Front Wheels: Metal Roller Wide (Red)
Rear Wheels: Metal Roller (Red) – Type 2
Axle: Rounded
1958 1958 1958
No Photo Available
Released: 1958
Body: Dark Green
Front Wheels: Metal Roller Wide (Red)
Rear Wheels: Metal Roller (Red) – Type 3
Axle: Rounded

The third Lesney model of the Aveling Barford road roller joined the Matchbox 1-75 series in 1958 when it replaced the slightly smaller 57mm long 1956 issue of the 1b road roller.

The new road roller measured 62mm in length and was initially painted light green like on the previous issue and it had red die cast metal rollers and the rear rollers were 7mm wide and could have a short or long inner hub. The axles were dome head with crimped ends

The driver and hook were not trimmed in brown or gold as found on the previous issue.

The model was later recoloured to dark green and later still the axles were changed to dome head with rounded ends with either short or long inner hubs on 7mm wide rear rollers.

The final issue was fitted with narrower rear rollers that measured just 6mm wide which had the shorter type inner hubs.

Matchbox 01C Roller Types

Apart from the rear rollers there were no other casting variations. Although this issue was in production for four years it is not very common, It was replaced by another almost identical but slightly longer Aveling Barford but this new issue was fitted with red plastic rollers.

It was packaged in ‘B’ and ‘C’ type boxes and although several examples have been seen packaged in ‘D’ type boxes I can’t confirm that they originally came this way

Source: Nick Jones (Vintage British Diecasts)


01A – Diesel Road Roller

First Released : 1953
Scale: 1/144

Length : 1 7/8”

01 02 03
Matchbox 01A-01 : Diesel Road Roller Matchbox 01A - Diesel Road Roller
Released: 1953
Body: Dark Green
Front Wheels: Metal Roller Wide (Red)
Rear Wheels: Metal Roller Narrow (Red)
Driver: Brown
Roof Type: 1
Side Brace: No
Inner Step: No
Released: 1953
Body: Dark Green
Front Wheels: Metal Roller Wide (Red)
Rear Wheels: Metal Roller Narrow (Red)
Driver: Brown
Roof Type: 2
Side Brace: No
Inner Step: No
Released: 1953
Body: Dark Green
Front Wheels: Metal Roller Wide (Red)
Rear Wheels: Metal Roller Narrow (Red)
Driver: Brown
Roof Type: 3
Side Brace: Yes
Inner Step: Yes












04 05 06
Matchbox 01A - Diesel Road Roller
Released: 1953
Body: Dark Green
Front Wheels: Metal Roller Wide (Red)
Rear Wheels: Metal Roller Narrow (Red)
Driver: Brown
Roof Type: 3
Side Brace: Yes
Inner Step: Yes
Released: 1953
Body: Yellow/Green
Front Wheels: Metal Roller Wide (Red)
Rear Wheels: Metal Roller Narrow (Red)
Driver: Brown
Roof Type: 3
Side Brace: Yes
Inner Step: Yes
Released: 1953
Body: Yellow/Green
Front Wheels: Metal Roller Wide (Red)
Rear Wheels: Metal Roller Narrow (Red)
Driver: Brown
Roof Type: 3
Side Brace: Yes
Inner Step: No









07 08
Matchbox 01A-02 : Diesel Road Roller Matchbox 01A - Diesel Road Roller
Released: 1953
Body: Pale Green
Front Wheels: Metal Roller Wide (Red)
Rear Wheels: Metal Roller Narrow (Red)
Driver: Brown
Roof Type: 3
Side Brace: Yes
Inner Step: Yes
Released: 1953
Body: Pale Green
Front Wheels: Metal Roller Wide (Red)
Rear Wheels: Metal Roller Narrow (Red)
Driver: Brown
Roof Type: 3
Side Brace: Yes
Inner Step: No







Roof Types:

Type 1 is considered Hard to Find, Type 2 is Very Rare

Matchbox 01A Road Roller Roof Types

*Image courtesy of Dave Rogers & Nick Jones’ Vintage British Diecast website

Matchbox 01A Road Roller Early cast Matchbox 01A Road Roller Later cast Matchbox 01A Road Roller Straight canopy cast
An early curved canopy roller without side brace or step cast. A Later straight canopy roller with side brace cast in. Another straight canopy roller with front step cast in
Images courtesy Antonin Shenk


Full description, information and write up from the website Vintage British Diecast by Nick Jones:

We have all heard the story of how Lesney’s Matchbox 1-75 series originated in 1953 when Jack O’dell’s daughter Anne, was told by her teacher that she could only bring a toy to school if it was small enough to fit inside a matchbox. I recently heard from Jack’s grandson James Harnetty who, after 58 years of misinformation, wanted to set the record straight, This is what he told me.

“….Anne kept bringing worms and spiders home from school in an old matchbox, My grandpa Jack said to Anne that if he makes her a toy that fits into the matchbox would she promise never to bring the worms and spiders home again, she did and the following day he made a small road roller which fitted. When he picked her up from school all the kids were asking for one as well. I am positive that this is correct as we always used to laugh about it at home on how Anne used to bring these little critters home and drive Grandpa mad.” James Harnetty

Matchbox 01A Road Roller variants
Matchbox 01A Road Roller variants (L to R: Dark Green, Yellow/Green & Pale Green)

Jack made her a scaled down copy of the 1947 Lesney large scale roller in brass, They realised they could be onto a money spinner and put the model into production followed shortly by the 2A site dumper, the 3A cement mixer and the 4A tractor. At the time Lesney did not have the distribution facilities so sales were handled by J.Kohnstam limited a toy factor was selling the toys under their Moko trademark. The owner of Moko suggested they package the new range of miniatures in a box that resembled a matchbox and the rest is history.

The roller body was a three piece casting consisting of the body, the roof which had “Lesney England” cast in the the underside and the cage that held the front roller, the rollers were held on by flat head axles with crimped ends and the model was enhanced with hand applied gold trim to the front roller pivot, the hook, the access doors on the sides and to the sides of the drivers seat, the driver was painted brown.

The first three issues were painted dark green, then there were two fairly short runs, one was painted pale green and the other one was painted a dark yellowish green, Both the pale green and yellowish green are quite hard to find. The wheels were always painted red

There were three different roof castings, The first had curved lower ends of the canopy and no strengthening webs cast in to the roof supporting posts, The second version also had curved ends to the canopy but this one had rather ugly strengthening webs added to the roof supports, This one looked even messier than the first version so the webs were quickly removed and the ends of the canopy were straightened giving the canopy a much cleaner line. The upper part of the roof poles were also thickened slightly at this time, The first version is quite rare, The second version is even rarer and few examples are known to exist, the third version is by far the most common. I have to thank J.P. (Tinman) of the MCCH and Dave Rogers for pointing out that I originally had the first two roof castings listed the wrong way round, Not having seen either type in the flesh I mistakenly listed them in the wrong order.

The model was sold in ‘A’ and ‘B’ type boxes, The “A” type box had the word “Moko” in script and the ‘B’ type “Moko” was in capital letters, The ‘A’ box will fetch a small premium. The model was replaced by the 1B road roller in 1956.

Antonin Shenk and Martin Avis from the forum have shown us two unlisted casting variations found on the earliest examples,

The most significant variation was to the inside of the body casting where a bulge or brace was cast into the side of the body which was possibly added to aid metal flow as it can be found on all roller castings except the earliest ones which had either of the curved canopy type roofs fitted.

The second casting variation was also to the inside of the body casting where a step was cast into the front of the body where the front canopy supports locate through the body, Again, only the earliest curved canopy versions don’t have the step cast in but the straight canopy versions may or may not have the step, Possibly the step may have been added to only one side of the die making both versions equally common, Included in the list are the known variations but this was compiled using very few samples so other variations may well exist, As a matter of interest the early Lesney large scale road roller also has the step cast in but not the side brace.

I had the pleasure of meeting Jack Odell in 2004 at the Matchbox memories exhibition at the Hackney museum and I asked him if he still had the original brass road roller and he told me he did not but what a wonderful collection centerpiece that would make if it were ever to come to light.


Miniatures Skybusters

Matchbox Generic Models

Over the years many original designs or generic models have been released by Matchbox this is to help reduce costs and thus improve the profits of the range.  Many designs lend themselves really well to this concept like road rollers or graders as most children will not know (or care) about branding and licensed models.  Here is a list of all those models :

Matchbox MB919 : Acre Maker
Acre Maker
Matchbox Skybusters SB-86 : Airblade Matchbox Skybusters SB-55 : Airliner Matchbox Skybusters SB-62 : Airliner
Airblade Airliner (SB-55) Airliner (SB-62)
Matchbox MB679 : Ambulance Matchbox MB1114 : Armoured Action Truck Matchbox MB510 : Armored Response Vehicle
Ambulance Armoured Action Truck Armored Response Vehicle (MB510)
Matchbox MB606 : Armored Response Vehicle Matchbox MB1191 : MBX Armored Truck Matchbox MB831 : ATV 6x6
Armored Response Vehicle (MB606) Armored Truck ATV 6×6
Matchbox MB732 : Badlander Matchbox MB731 : Baja Bandit
Badlander Baja Bandit
Matchbox MB968 : Bay Brigade Matchbox Skybusters SB-85 : Biplane Matchbox MB842 : Blizzard Buster
Bay Brigade Biplane Blizzard Buster (MB842)
Matchbox MB934 : Blizzard Buster Matchbox MB907 : Blockade Buster
Blizzard Buster (MB934) Blockade Buster
Matchbox MB493 : Bulldozer Matchbox Skybusters SB-156 : Bubble Copter Matchbox MB1084 : Camo Convoy
Bulldozer Bubble Copter Camo Convoy
Matchbox MB1259 : Cement Trailer Matchbox Working Rigs RW040 : Cement Truck
CatCar Cement Trailer Cement Truck
Matchbox MB1250 : Chow Mobile II
Chow Mobile II
Matchbox MB662 : City Bus Matchbox MB992 : City Bus Matchbox MB795 : Cliff Hanger
City Bus (MB662) City Bus (MB992) Cliff Hanger
Matchbox Real Working Rigs RW010 : MBX Crane Truck Matchbox Skybusters SB-154 : MBX Crop Duster Matchbox MB834 : Crop Master
Crane Truck Crop Duster Crop Master
Matchbox Working Rig RW027 : Crop Sprayer Matchbox MB1113 : Deep Diver Submarine Matchbox MB891 : Deep Dive
Crop Sprayer Deep Dive Submarine Deep Diver
Matchbox MB993 : Delivery Service Truck Matchbox MB712-A : Desert Thunder V16 Matchbox MB928 : Desert Thunder V16
Delivery Service Truck Desert Thunder V16 (MB712-A) Desert Thunder V16 (MB928)
Matchbox 01A – Diesel Road Roller Matchbox MB916 : Dirt Smasher Matchbox MB1010 : Dirtstroyer
Diesel Road Roller Dirt Smasher Dirtstroyer
Matchbox MB918 : Drill Digger Matchbox MB710-A : Dump Truck
Drill Digger Dump Truck (MB710-A)
Matchbox Skybusters SB-152 : Enemy Strike Jet Matchbox Working Rigs RW028 : MBX Excavator
Enemy Strike Jet Excavator
Matchbox MB813 : Express Delivery Truck Matchbox MB1243 : MBX Field Car Matchbox MB902 : Field Tripper
Express Delivery Truck Field Car II Field Tripper
Matchbox MB519 : Fire Hovercraft Matchbox MB698 : Flame Tamer
Fire Dasher Fire Hovercraft Flame Tamer (MB698)
Matchbox MB949 : Flame Tamer Matchbox Color Changer MB1065 : Flame Tamer Matchbox MB564 : Foam Fire Truck
Flame Tamer (MB949) Flame Tamer (MB1065) Foam Fire Truck
Matchbox MB889 : Food Truck Matchbox MB999 : Food Truck Matchbox MB847 : Frost Fighter
Food Truck (MB889) Food Truck (MB999) Frost Fighter
Matchbox MB904 : Garbage Gulper Matchbox MB1217 : MBX Garbage Scout Matchbox MB742 : Garbage Truck
Garbage Gulper Garbage Scout Garbage Truck
Matchbox MB1042 : Glass King Matchbox MB640 : Go Rolla
Glass King Go-Rolla
Matchbox MB707 : Ground Breaker Matchbox MB948 : Ground Breaker Matchbox MB886 : Ground Grinder
Ground Breaker (MB707) Ground Breaker (MB948) Ground Grinder
Matchbox MB1048 : Hail Cat Matchbox MB796 : Hazard Squad
Hail Cat Hazard Squad (MB796)
Matchbox MB996 : Hazard Squad Matchbox MB1099 : Hazard Squad Matchbox MB778 : Heritage Ice Cream Truck
Hazard Squad (MB996) Hazard Squad (MB1099) Heritage Ice Cream Truck
Matchbox Skybusters SB-70 : Hypersonic Jet
Hypersonic Jet
Matchbox MB783 : Jungle Crawler Matchbox MB941 : Jungle Crawler
Jungle Crawler (MB783) Jungle Crawler (MB941) Jungle Crawler (MB1061)
Matchbox MB856 : Load Lifter Matchbox MB748 : MBX 4x4 Matchbox MB1176 : MBX Backhoe
Load Lifter MBX 4×4 MBX Backhoe
Matchbox MB1215 : MBX Cycle Trailer Matchbox MB1074 : MBX Flatbed King
MBX Cycle Trailer MBX Flatbed King
Matchbox MB1150 : MBX Rig I Cabover Matchbox MB695 : MBX Tanker
MBX Rig I Cabover MBX Tanker
Matchbox MB1018 : MBXcavator Matchbox MB978 : Meter Made
MBXcavator Meter Made
Matchbox MB1249 : MBX Mini Cargo Truck Matchbox MB917 : Mini Dozer
Mini Cargo Truck Mini Dozer
Matchbox MB1189 : MBX Mini Swisher Matchbox Skybusters SB-64 : Mission Chopper Matchbox Off-Road Rescue Rig
Mini Swisher Mission Chopper Off-Road Rescue Rig
Matchbox Pirate Car Matchbox MB1175 : Poop King
Pirate Car Poop King
Matchbox MB370 : Postal Service Delivery Truck Matchbox MB988 : Power Lift Matchbox Skybuster SB148 : MBX Private Jet
Postal Service Delivery Truck Power Lift (MB988) Private Jet
Matchbox Skybuster SB-82 : Pusher Prop Matchbox MB767 : Quick Sander Matchbox MB972 : Rain Maker
Pusher Prop Quick Sander Rain Maker
Matchbox MB909 : Rapids Rescue Matchbox MB541 : Rescue Helicopter
Rapids Rescue Rescue Helicopter (MB541)
Matchbox MB849-A : Rescue Helicopter Matchbox MB984 : Rescue Helicopter Matchbox MB716 : Ridge Raider
Rescue Helicopter (MB849) Rescue Helicopter (MB984) Ridge Raider (MB716)
Matchbox MB1131 : Ridge Raider Matchbox Real Working RIgs RW020 : MBX Road Grader Matchbox MB1004 : Road Mauler
Ridge Raider (MB1131) Road Grader Road Mauler
Matchbox MB895 : Road Raider Matchbox Real Working Rigs RW046 : Road Scraper Matchbox MB1251 : Road Stripe King
Road Raider Road Scraper Road Stripe King
Matchbox MB825 : Road Tripper Matchbox MB1085 : RSQ-18 Tank
Road Tripper RSQ-18 Tank
Matchbox MB973 : Runway Wrangler Matchbox MB910 : Sahara Sweeper
Runway Wrangler Sahara Sweeper
Matchbox MB861 : Sand Shredder Matchbox MB845 : 4x4 Scrambulance Matchbox MB989 : 4x4 Scrambulance
Sand Shredder Scrambulance (MB845) Scrambulance (MB989)
Matchbox Skybusters SB-98 : Sea Arrow Matchbox MB1007 : Sea Hunter Matchbox MB926 : Sea Spy
Sea Arrow Sea Hunter Sea Spy
Matchbox MB1212 : MBX Self Driving Bus Matchbox MB789 : Skidster Matchbox Skybusters SB-100 : Sky Crane
Self Driving Bus Skidster Sky Crane
Matchbox MB1044 : Snow Thrasher
Snow Thrasher
Matchbox MB1058 : Sonora Shredder Matchbox MB37-B : Soopa Coopa Matchbox MB963 : Spark Arrestor
Sonora Shredder Soopa Coopa Spark Arrestor
Matchbox MB1045 : Speed Trapper Matchbox MB601 : Super Dozer Matchbox MB824 : S.W.A.T. Truck
Speed Trapper Super Dozer SWAT Truck (MB824)
Matchbox MB830 : S.W.A.T. Truck Matchbox MB1016 : Swift Shuttle Matchbox MB027 : Swing Wing Jet
SWAT Truck (MB830) Swift Shuttle Swing Wing Jet
Matchbox MB1008 : Tilt N Tip Matchbox MB1047 : Tinforcer Matchbox MB703 : Tractor
Tilt N Tip Tinforcer Tractor
Matchbox MB686 : Tractor Plow Matchbox MB950 : Tractor Plow
Tractor Plow (MB686) Tractor Plow (MB950)
Matchbox MB912 : Trail Tracker Matchbox MB1076 : Trailer Trawler Matchbox MB923 : Travel Tracker
Trail Tracker Trailer Trawler Travel Tracker
Matchbox MB718 : Travel Trailer Matchbox MB747 : Travel Trailer Matchbox MB868 : Travel Trailer
Travel Trailer
(Metal Upper)(MB718)
Travel Trailer
(Plastic Upper)(MB747)
Travel Trailer
Matchbox MB1271 : Travel Trailer II Matchbox MB1043 : Tree Lugger
Travel Trailer II Tree Lugger
Matchbox MB1054 : Tuk Tuk Matchbox Skybusters SB-83 : Twin Boom
Tuk Tuk Twin Boom
Matchbox Skybusters SB-87 : Twin Engine Blaze Buster Matchbox MB839 : Urban Tow Truck Matchbox MB937 : Urban Tow Truck
Twin Engine Blaze Buster Urban Tow Truck (MB839) Urban Tow Truck (MB937)
Matchbox MB840 : Water Hauler Matchbox MB936 : Water Tanker Matchbox MB1034 : Xcanner
Water Hauler (MB840) Water Tanker (MB936) Xcanner


Special Collections

Matchbox Originals

In 1993 to celebrate the 40th anniversary; 10 Matchbox classics were recreated in every detail.

Number Series Original Box Number Description <click to enlarge>
MX-101 1 1 Road Roller
MX-102 1 4 Massey-Harris Tractor
MX-103 1 5 London Bus
MX-104 1 7 Milk Float
MX-105 1 9 Dennis Fire Engine
MX-106 2 6 Quarry Truck
MX-107 2 13 Wreck Truck
MX-108 2 19 MGA
MX-109 2 26 ERF Cement Truck
MX-110 2 32 Jaguar XK140
MX-111 3 11 Road Tanker
MX-112 3 12 Land Rover
MX-113 3 12 Removals Van
MX-114 3 18 Caterpillar Bulldozer
MX-115 3 52 Maserati Racer



2017 : Matchbox Miniatures

In 2017 there are 4 distinct segments that all vehicles were categorised in to, they are: MBX Adventure City MBX Construction MBX Heroic Rescue MBX Explorers There were 3 types of packaging used :

Long Card Short Code Power Grab Box
2017 Long Card 2017 Short Card 2017 Power Grab


No. Description Group <click to enlarge>
01 1959 Chevy Wagon MBX Adventure City MB1035-01 : '59 Chevy Wagon ©John Lambert Matchbox - New Model
02 2016 Chevy Camaro Convertible  MBX Adventure City MB1036-01 : ’16 Chevy Camaro Convertible Matchbox - New Model
03 2016 Fiat 500X  MBX Adventure City MB1037-01 : 2016 Fiat 500X Matchbox - New Model
04 1990 Volkswagen Golf Country MBX Adventure City Matchbox MB1038-01 : '90 Volkswagen GolfMatchbox MB1038-02 : '90 Volkswagen Golf Matchbox - New Model
05 2015 BMW i3  MBX Adventure City MB1039-01 : 2015 BMW i3 Matchbox - New Model
06 Tuk Tuk MBX Adventure City Matchbox MB1054 : Tuk Tuk Matchbox - New Model
07 1962 Nissan Junior MBX Adventure City MB1041-01 : 1962 Nissan Junior Matchbox - New Model
08 Heavy Railer MBX Adventure City
09 Ford Transit News Van MBX Adventure City
10 2015 Mazda MX-5 Miata MBX Adventure City Matchbox MB1012 : 2015 Mazda MX-5 Miata
11  1971 Nissan Skyline 2000 GTX MBX Adventure City Matchbox MB1022-02 : 1971 Nissan Skyline 2000 GTX
12 Swift Shuttle Bus MBX Adventure City Matchbox MB1016 : Swift Shuttle
13 Zamboni Ice Resurfacing Machine MBX Adventure City
14 Volvo V60 Wagon  MBX Adventure City Matchbox MB1020-02 : Volvo V60 Wagon
15 MB1025 : Toyota Prius Taxi MBX Adventure City
16 MBX Swisher MBX Adventure City
17 1955 Ford F-100 Delivery Truck MBX Adventure City
18 Garbage Gulper MBX Adventure City MB904-02 : Garbage Gulper
19 Aqua King MBX Adventure City
20 2008 Lotus Evora MBX Adventure City Matchbox MB750 : 2008 Lotus Evora
21  Dodge Challenger SRT8 MBX Adventure City Matchbox MB759-09 : Dodge Challenger SRT8
22  2015 Chrysler 300 MBX Adventure City MB1033-02 : 2015 Chrysler 300
23  Ford GT40 MBX Adventure City Matchbox MB995-02 : Ford GT
24 Chevrolet Avalanche MBX Adventure City
25 1971 Pontiac Firebird Formula MBX Adventure City
26  Tesla Model S MBX Adventure City MB903-03 : Tesla Model S
27 Dodge Viper GTSR MBX Adventure City
28 MBX Moving Van MBX Adventure City
29  Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren MBX Adventure City MB766-03 : Mercedes Benz SLR McLaren
30  Glass King  MBX Construction MB1042-02 : Glass King Matchbox - New Model
31  Tree Lugger  MBX Construction MB1043-01 : Tree Lugger Matchbox - New Model
32  Petrol Pumper  MBX Construction MB695-29 : MBX Tanker
33 Scraper MBX Construction
34  Desert Thunder V16  MBX Construction Matchbox MB928-04 : Desert Thunder V16
35  Ground Breaker  MBX Construction MB948-05 : Ground Breaker
36 Plow Master 6000 MBX Construction
37  Tractor King  MBX Construction MB703-20 : Tractor
38 Cement King MBX Construction
39 Road Roller MBX Construction
40  Crop Master  MBX Construction MB834-05 : Crop Master
41 All Terrain Crane MBX Construction
42 Master Sower MBX Construction
43 Terraniac MBX Construction
44 Rain Maker  MBX Construction MB972-04 : Rain Maker
45  Turf Hauler  MBX Construction MB710-11 : Dump Truck
46  Power Lift  MBX Construction MB988-03 : Power Lift
47 2015 Ford F-150 Contractors Truck MBX Construction Matchbox MB970 : 2015 Ford F-150 Contractor Truck
48 Land Rover 90 MBX Construction Matchbox MB180 : Land Rover Defender 90
49 Torque Titan MBX Construction
50  Tilt N Tip  MBX Construction MB1008-02 : Tilt N Tip
51  MBXcavator MBX Construction MB1018-02 : MBXcavator
52  Tractor Plow MBX Construction MB950-04 : Tractor Plow
53  MBX Food Truck MBX Construction MB999-02 : Food Truck
54 Four X Force MBX Construction
55 Snow Thrasher MBX Explorers MB1044-01 : Snow Thrasher Matchbox - New Model
56  Speed Trapper MBX Heroic Rescue Matchbox MB1045 : Speed Trapper Matchbox - New Model
57  1951 Hudson Hornet Police MBX Heroic Rescue MB1046-01 : 51 Hudson Hornet Police Matchbox - New Model
58  Tinforcer MBX Heroic Rescue MB1047-01 : Tinforcer Matchbox - New Model
59  Hail Cat  MBX Heroic Rescue MB1048-01 : Hail Cat Matchbox - New Model
60  2015 Subaru WRX STi MBX Heroic Rescue MB1049-01 : 2015 Subaru WRX STi Matchbox - New Model
61  Sonora Shredder MBX Heroic Rescue Matchbox MB1058-02 : Sonora Shredder Matchbox - New Model
62 2015 RAM 1500 Police MBX Heroic Rescue Matchbox MB1021 : ’15 Dodge RAM 1500 Police
63 Sea Hunter  MBX Heroic Rescue Matchbox MB1007-02 : Sea Hunter
64 2015 Corvette Stingray MBX Heroic Rescue MB1014-02 : 2015 Corvette Stingray
65  XScanner MBX Heroic Rescue MB1034-02 : Xcanner
66 Flame Tamer MBX Heroic Rescue Matchbox MB698 : Flame Tamer
67 Road Raider MBX Heroic Rescue MB895-06 : Road Raider
68 H2O Glider MBX Heroic Rescue MB519-17 : Fire Hovercraft
69  MBX SWAT MBX Heroic Rescue MB824-01 : S.W.A.T. Truck
70  Meter Made MBX Heroic Rescue MB978-04 : Meter Made
71  Blockade Buster MBX Heroic Rescue Matchbox MB907-06 : Blockade Buster
72  Road Tripper MBX Explorers
73 Snow Ripper MBX Heroic Rescue
74 Fire Stalker MBX Heroic Rescue
75  Water Worker MBX Heroic Rescue Matchbox MB840-06 : Water Hauler
76 Quarry King MBX Construction
77 Ford F-350 Ambulance MBX Heroic Rescue
78 BMW R1200 RT-P Police Motorbike MBX Heroic Rescue
79 Road Raider MBX Heroic Rescue MB895-07 : Road Raider
80  1957 GMC Stepside MBX Heroic Rescue MB985-02 : 1957 GMC Stepside Pick Up
81 Pit King MBX Construction
82 MBX-RV MBX Explorers
83 Gator Raider MBX Heroic Rescue
84 Land Rover Defender 110 MBX Heroic Rescue Matchbox MB838-A : Land Rover Defender 110
85  Freightliner M2 106 MBX Heroic Rescue MB1003-04 : Freightliner Business Class M2 106
86 2016 Toyota Tacoma MBX Explorers Matchbox - New Model
87 1995 Custom Chevy Van MBX Heroic Rescue Matchbox - New Model
88  GHE-O Predator MBX Explorers MB1053-01 : GHE-O Predator Matchbox - New Model
89 Duk-Duk MBX Explorers Matchbox - New Model
90 Sub Seeker MBX Explorers Matchbox - New Model
91  Mercedes-Benz G63 AMG 6×6 MBX Explorers MB1056-01 : Mercedes-Benz G63 AMG 6×6 Matchbox - New Model
92  2017 Jeep Gladiator MBX Explorers Matchbox MB1057-01 : Jeep Gladiator Matchbox - New Model
93  Sonora Shredder MBX Explorers Matchbox MB1058 : Sonora Shredder Matchbox - New Model
94  1970 Datsun 510 MBX Explorers MB1023-01 : 1970 Datsun 510 RallyMB1023-02 : 1970 Datsun 510 Rally Matchbox - New Model
95 Volkswagen Transporter Cab MBX Explorers Matchbox MB1013 : VW Transporter Crew Cab Matchbox MB1013 : VW Transporter Crew Cab
96 Travel Tracker MBX Explorers Matchbox MB923 : Travel Tracker
97 Swamp Commander MBX Explorers
98 Hydro Cruiser MBX Explorers
99 Wheelin’ Wrecker MBX Explorers
100  Range Rover Evoque MBX Explorers Matchbox MB896-02 : 2014 Range Rover Evoque
101  Road Mauler MBX Explorers Matchbox MB1004-02 : Road Mauler
102 Dune Chaser MBX Explorers
103  Ridge Raider MBX Explorers MB716-26 : Ridge Raider
104  Baja Bandit MBX Explorers MB731-23 : Baja Bandit
105 MBX 4×4 MBX Explorers
106 Jungle Crawler MBX Explorers Matchbox MB941 : Jungle Crawler
107 Rock Shocker MBX Explorers
108  Cliff Hanger MBX Explorers MB795-14 : Cliff Hanger
109 Off Road Raider MBX Explorers
110 Sand Speeder MBX Explorers
111 Roar by Four MBX Explorers
112 Dune Dog MBX Explorers
113 Malibu Marauder MBX Explorers
114 Vantom MBX Explorers
115 Swamp Raider MBX Explorers
116  1974 International Scout 4×4 MBX Explorers MB864-08 : International Scout 4x4
117  1964 Austin Mini Cooper S MBX Explorers MB765-11 : Austin Mini Cooper 1275S
118 Volkswagen Golf V GTi MBX Explorers Matchbox MB684 : Volkswagen Golf V Gti
119 Baja Bandit MBX Explorers
120 Toyota FJ40 Land Cruiser MBX Explorers
121  ATV 6×6 MBX Explorers MB831-08 : ATV 6x6
122 Sahara Survivor MBX Explorers
123 Questor MBX Explorers
124   ’68 Mudstang MBX Explorers Matchbox MB1009-02 : Custom ’68 Mustang “Mudstanger”
125  Ford F-550 Super Duty MBX Explorers MB817-11 : Seagrave Fire Engine



2016 : Matchbox Miniatures

There were 3 types of packaging used :

Long Card Short Code Power Grab
Matchbox 2016 Basic Range Long Card Matchbox 2016 Basic Range Short Card Matchbox 2015 Basic Range Power Grab
New Design New Design 2015 Design


No. Description <click to enlarge>
01 Heavy Freighter Matchbox - New Model
02 ’14 Ford Transit News Van Matchbox - New Model
03 ’15 Mazda MX-5 Miata Matchbox MB1012 : 2015 Mazda MX-5 Miata Matchbox - New Model
04 ’15 Chrysler 300 MB1033-01 : 2015 Chrysler 300 ©John Lambert Matchbox - New Model
05 1971 Nissan Skyline 2000 GT-X Matchbox MB1022-01 : 1971 Nissan Skyline 2000 GTX Matchbox - New Model
06 Swift Shuttle Matchbox MB1016 : Swift Shuttle Matchbox - New Model
07 Zamboni Ice Resurfacing Machine Matchbox - New Model
08 Volvo V60 Wagon Matchbox MB1020-01 : Volvo V60 Wagon Matchbox - New Model
09 MB774 : Toyota Prius Taxi Matchbox MB774 : 2009 Toyota Prius
10 Cadillac One Matchbox MB974 : Cadillac One
11 MBX V.A.N. MB999-01 : Food Truck Matchbox - New ModelRe-Tooled version of MB889
12 BMW 1M
13 Urban Tow Truck Matchbox MB937-03 : Urban Tow Truck
14 Garbage Gulper MB904-03 : Garbage Gulper
15 Jaguar F-Type Matchbox MB975-02 : Jaguar F-type
16 Meter Made MB978-03 : Meter Made
17 International Armored Truck MB873-02 : International Armored Car Design taken from the original release of this casting MB446-01
18 Whiplash
19 Cadillac CTS Coupe Matchbox MB815 : Cadillac CTS Coupe
20 Runway Wrangler
21 Express Delivery MB813-05 : Express Delivery Truck
22 City Bus
23 Porsche Cayman Matchbox MB979-02 : Porsche Cayman
24 Tesla Model S MB903-02 : Tesla Model S
25 Turn Tamer
26 Alfa Romeo 4c Matchbox MB905 : Alfa Romeo 4C
27 Range Rover Evoque  Matchbox MB896-01 : 2014 Range Rover Evoque Matchbox - New Model
28 MBX Street Cleaner
29 Karmann Ghia Convertible
30 Aqua King
31 MBX Coupe
32 Infiniti G37 Coupe Matchbox MB809 : Infiniti G37 Coupe
33 MBX Moving Van
34 ’13 Ford Cargo MB977-02 : 2013 Ford Cargo
35 Tilt´n´Tip  MB1008-01 : Tilt N Tip Matchbox - New Model
36 Dirtstroyer  MB1010-01 : Dirtstroyer Matchbox - New Model
37 MBXcavator  MB1018-01 : MBXcavator Matchbox - New Model
38 ´15 Ford F-150 Contractors Truck Matchbox MB970 : 2015 Ford F-150 Contractor Truck
39 ’66 Dodge A-100 Matchbox MB862-07 : MB862 : ´66 Dodge A100 Pickup
40 Road Roller
41 Drill Digger MB918-03 : Drill Digger
42 Rain Maker MB972-03 : Rain Maker
43 Scraper
44 Dirt Smasher Matchbox MB916-03 : Dirt Smasher
45 Ground Grabber
46 Turf Tilter
47 Tractor Plow MB950-03 : Tractor Plow
48 Mountain Mover
49 Trail Tipper
50 Skidster MB789-11 : Skidster
51 Ford F-350 Stake Bed MB920-03 : Ford F-350 Stake Bed
52 Power Lift MB988-02 : Power Lift
53 Acre Maker MB919-04 : Acre Maker
54 Torque Titan
55 Pit King
56 Mound Mover
57 Seed Shaker
58 Quarry King
59 ´14 Chevy Silverado 1500 Matchbox MB924-04 : ´14 Chevy Silverado 1500
60 Freightliner M2 106 MB1003-01 : Freightliner Business Class M2 106 Matchbox - New Model
61 ’15 Ram 1500 Police Matchbox MB1021 : ’15 Dodge RAM 1500 Police Matchbox - New Model
62 Sea Hunter Matchbox MB1007-01 : Sea Hunter Matchbox - New Model
63 ’15 Corvette Stingray  MB1014-01 : 2015 Corvette Stingray Matchbox - New Model
64 Wheelin’ Wrecker Matchbox - New Model
65 Xcanner  MB1034-01 : Xcanner Matchbox - New Model
66 ’93 Ford Mustang Police Car Matchbox MB969-02 : 1993 Ford Mustang Police car
67 Bay Brigade MB968-02 : Bay Brigade
68 BMW M5 Police MB966-02 : BMW M5 Police
69 Spark Arrester MB963-02 : Spark Arrestor
70 Seagrave Fire Engine MB843-06 : Seagrave Fire Engine
71 Hardnoze
72 Attack Track
73 Ford F-350 Superlift Matchbox MB938 : Superlift Ford F-350 Super Duty
74 Ford E-350 Ambulance
75 Toyota Tacoma
76 Blaze Blitzer
77 Pierce Dash Fire Engine Matchbox MB755-23 : Pierce Dash Fire Engine Matchbox MB755-22 : Pierce Dash Fire Engine
78 S.W.A.T. Truck MB830-08 : S.W.A.T. Truck
79 GHE-O Rescue Matchbox MB976-03 : Ghe-O Rescue
80 Ford Explorer MB860-08 : Ford Explorer Interceptor
81 4×4 Scrambulance MB989-03 : 4x4 Scrambulance
82 Blockade Buster Matchbox MB907-05 : Blockade Buster
83 BMW R1200 RT-P
84 Crime Crusher
85 Road Raider MB895-05 : Road Raider
86 Dodge Charger Police Pursuit MB933-06 : Dodge Charger Pursuit
87 Hazard Squad MB796-13 : Hazard Squad
88 ´63 Cadillac Ambulance Matchbox MB994 : 1963 Cadillac Ambulance
89 Ford F-550 Super Duty MB817-10 : Seagrave Fire Engine
90 Rapid Rescue MB909-02 : Rapids Rescue
91 Amphi Flyer
92 Lamborghini Gallardo LP560-4 Polizia Matchbox MB867-05 : Lamborghini Gallardo LP560-4 Police
93 Wing Chiller Matchbox - New Model
94 Custom ’68 Mustang Mudstanger Matchbox MB1009-01 : Custom ’68 Mustang “Mudstanger” Matchbox - New Model
95 Volkswagen Transporter Cab Matchbox MB1013 : VW Transporter Crew Cab Matchbox MB1013 : VW Transporter Crew Cab Matchbox - New Model
96 Travel Trecker Matchbox - New Model
97 Four X Force Matchbox - New Model
98 Road Mauler Matchbox MB1004-01 : Road Mauler Matchbox - New Model
99 Swamp Commander Matchbox - New Model
100 Hydro Cruiser Matchbox - New Model
101 Lamborghini LM002 Matchbox MB956-03 : Lamborghini LM002
102 ´14 Jeep Cherokee Trailhawk
103 Vantom
104 Blizzard Buster MB934-04 : Blizzard Buster
105 Rumble Raider
106 Frost Fighter MB847-06 : Frost Fighter
107 Malibu Marauder
108 Terrainiac
109 Desert Thunder V16 Matchbox MB928-03 : Desert Thunder V16
110 Land Rover Defender 110 Matchbox MB838-A : Land Rover Defender 110
111 Moto Tracker
112 Swamp Raider
113 Deep Diver Matchbox MB891 : Deep Diver
114 Snow Ripper
115 Gator Raider
116 Jeep Willys 4×4 Matchbox MB955-02 : Jeep Willys 4x4
117 Ford F-150 SVT Raptor Matchbox MB788-13 : ’10 Ford F-150 Raptor
118 ´72 Ford Bronco 4×4 Matchbox MB720-A-23 : 1972 Ford Bronco 4x4
119 Jeep Wrangler Superlift
120 BMW R1200 GS
121 Quick Sander Matchbox MB767 : Quick Sander
122 MBX Prospector MB825-13 : Road Tripper
123 Questor
124 Cliff Hanger MB795-13 : Cliff Hanger
125 Rock Shocker



2015 : Matchbox Miniatures

There were 2 types of packaging used :

Long Card Short Card
Matchbox 2015 Long Card Matchbox 2015 Short Card


No. Description <click to enlarge>
01 Porsche Cayman  Matchbox MB979-01 : Porsche Cayman Matchbox - New Model
02 Meter Made  MB978-01 : Meter Made Matchbox - New Model
03 ’13 Ford Cargo  MB977-01 : 2013 Ford Cargo Matchbox - New Model
04 ´15 Jaguar F-Type Coupe Matchbox MB975-01 : Jaguar F-type Matchbox - New Model
05 Cadillac One Matchbox MB974 : Cadillac One Matchbox - New Model
06 Runway Wrangler Matchbox MB973 : Runway Wrangler Matchbox - New Model
07 Tesla Model S  MB903-01 : Tesla Model S Matchbox - New Model
08 BMW 1M Sports Coupe
09 Food Truck MB889-03 : Food Truck
10 Turn Tamer
11 Checker Cab
12 ’69 Cadillac Sedan DeVille Matchbox MB739 : 1969 Cadillac Sedan Deville
13 Urban Tow Truck Matchbox MB937-02 : Urban Tow Truck
14 Whiplash
15 ’68 Ford Mustang GT CS Matchbox MB812-09 : ´68 Ford Mustang GT CS
16 ’66 Dodge A100 Pickup Matchbox MB862-03 : MB862 : ´66 Dodge A100 PickupMatchbox MB862-04 : MB862 : ´66 Dodge A100 Pickup
17 Garbage Gulper MB904-02 : Garbage Gulper
18 Aston Martin DBS Volante Matchbox MB823-A : Aston Martin DBS Volante
19 Scholar Hauler MB902-03 : Field Tripper
20 International Armored Truck MB873-01 : International Armored Car Matchbox - New ModelRetooled MB446
21 Alfa Romeo 4C
22 Ford GT40  Matchbox MB995-01 : Ford GT Matchbox - New ModelRetooled MB634
23 Not issued
24 Mountain Mover Matchbox - New Model
25 Rain Maker  MB972-02 : Rain Maker MB972-01 : Rain Maker Matchbox - New Model
26 Ford F-150 Contractors Truck Matchbox MB970 : 2015 Ford F-150 Contractor Truck Matchbox - New Model
27 Scraper
28 Mini Dozer MB917-02 : Mini Dozer
29 Quarry King
MB924 : 2014 Chevy Silverado 1500 Matchbox MB924-02 : ´14 Chevy Silverado 1500 Matchbox MB924-02 : ´14 Chevy Silverado 1500
30 Seed Shaker
31 Mound Mover
32 Water Hauler Matchbox MB840-04 : Water Hauler
33 Highway Maintenance Truck
34 Trail Tipper
35 Torque Titan
36 Ground Breaker MB948-02 : Ground Breaker
37 Power Lift MB988-01 - Power Lift Matchbox - New ModelRe-Tooled MB704
38 All Terrain Crane
39 Ground Grinder MB886-04 : Ground Grinder
40 ´14 Chevy Silverado 1500 Matchbox MB924-03 : ´14 Chevy Silverado 1500
41 Pit King
42 Sowing Machine
43 Road Roller
44 Drill Digger MB918-02 : Drill Digger
45 Ground Grabber
46 Dirt Smasher Matchbox MB916-02 : Dirt Smasher
47 Acre Maker MB919-02 : Acre Maker
48 Ford F-350 Stake Bed MB920-02 : Ford F-350 Stake Bed
49 GHE-O Rescue  Matchbox MB976-01 : Ghe-O Rescue Matchbox - New Model
50 93 Ford Mustang LX SPP
51 Bay Brigade MB968-01 : Bay Brigade Matchbox - New Model
52 Hardnoze Matchbox - New Model
53 BMW M5 Police  MB966-01 : BMW M5 Police Matchbox - New Model
54 Attack Track Matchbox - New Model
55 ´75 Mack CF Pumper Matchbox - New Model
56 Spark Arrestor MB963-01 : Spark Arrestor Matchbox - New Model
57 Ford F-350 Superlift Brush Truck Matchbox MB938 : Superlift Ford F-350 Super Duty
58 Renault Master Ambulance Matchbox MB885 : Renault Master Ambulance
59 Toyota Tacoma Lifeguard
60 Crime Crusher
61 Lamborghini Gallardo LP560-4 Polizia Matchbox MB867-03 : Lamborghini Gallardo LP560-4 Police
62 Pierce Dash Fire Engine Matchbox MB755-21 : Pierce Dash Fire Engine
63 Trail Tracker Matchbox MB912-03 : Trail Tracker
64 Dodge Charger Pursuit MB933-03 : Dodge Charger PursuitMB933-05 : Dodge Charger Pursuit
65 S.W.A.T. Truck MB830-07 : S.W.A.T. Truck
66 Blaze Blitzer
67 Blaze Blaster
68 International MXT-MVA
69 Road Raider MB895-03 : Road Raider
70 International Work Star Matchbox MB939-02 : International Workstar Brush Fire Truck Listed as #70 however the packaging stated #69
71 Flame Smasher
72 Sahara Sweeper Matchbox MB910-03 : Sahara Sweeper
73 BMW R1200 RT-8 Police Motorcycle
74 Blockade Buster Matchbox MB907-03 : Blockade Buster
75 Ford E-250 Ambulance
76 Ford Explorer Interceptor MB860-07 : Ford Explorer Interceptor
77 Moto Tracker Matchbox - New Model
78 Mauler Hauler Matchbox - New Model
79 Malibu Marauder Matchbox - New Model
80 Gator Raider Matchbox - New Model
81 Roar-by-Four Matchbox - New Model
82 Jeep Cherokee Trailhawk Matchbox - New Model
83 Lamborghini LM002 Matchbox MB956-01 : Lamborghini LM002 Matchbox - New Model
84 Jeep Willys 4×4 MB955-01 : Jeep Willys 4x4 Matchbox - New Model
85 Snow Ripper
86 VW Saveiro Cross
87 Vantom
88 Rumble Raider
89 Cliff Hanger MB795-12 : Cliff Hanger
90 Desert Thunder V16 Matchbox MB928-02 : Desert Thunder V16
91 Terrainiac
92 Not issued
93 Terrain Trouncer
94 ATV 6×6 MB831-09 : ATV 6x6
95 Sand Shredder Matchbox MB861 : Sand Shredder
96 Land Rover Defender 110 Matchbox MB838-A : Land Rover Defender 110
97 Jeep Wrangler Superlift
98 4×4 Scrambulance MB989-01 : 4x4 Scrambulance
99 Dune Dog
100 Not issued
101 BMW R-1200 GS Motorcycle
102 Sahara Survivor
103 Ford Bronco 4×4 Matchbox MB720-A-21 : 1972 Ford Bronco 4x4
104 Sea Spy Matchbox MB926 : Sea Spy
105 MB723 : Volkswagen Beetle 4×4 Matchbox MB723-16 : Volkswagen Beetle 4x4
106 MB767 : Quick Sander Matchbox MB767 : Quick Sander
107 Frost Fighter MB847-04 : Frost Fighter
108 MBX Prospector MB825-12 : Road Tripper
109 Hummer w/ Ramp
110 Deep Diver Matchbox MB891 : Deep Diver
111 Travel Tracker Matchbox MB923 : Travel Tracker
112 Chevy K-1500 Pickup Matchbox MB249 : Chevrolet K-1500 Pick-Up 4x4
113 ´68 Toyota Land Cruiser
114 Blizzard Buster MB934-02 : Blizzard Buster
115 Baja Bullet
116 Jeep Hurricane
117 1986 Toyota 4Runner Matchbox MB805 : Toyota 4Runner
118 Ford F-150 SVT Raptor Matchbox MB788-12 : ’10 Ford F-150 Raptor
119 MBX 4×4 MB748-23 : MBX 4x4
120 Jungle Crawler This model was postponed till 2016



2014 : Matchbox Miniatures

There were 2 types of packaging used :

Long Card Short Card
Matchbox 2014 Long Card Matchbox 2014 Short Card


No. Description <click to enlarge>
01 Porsche 911 GT3 Matchbox MB947 : Porsche 911 GT3
02 Urban Tow Truck Matchbox MB937-01 : Urban Tow Truck
03 MBX Street Cleaner
04 MB823-A : Aston Martin DBS Volante Matchbox MB823-A : Aston Martin DBS Volante
05 ’68 Ford Mustang GT CS Matchbox MB812-08 : ´68 Ford Mustang GT CS
06 Two Story Bus
07 Porsche Panamera MB816-04 : Porsche Panamera
08 Food Truck MB889-02 : Food Truck
09 Caterham Superlight R500 (2009)
10 Garbage Grinder
11 ’71 Pontiac Firebird Matchbox MB810 : Pontiac Firebird Formula
12 Cadillac CTS Coupe Matchbox MB815 : Cadillac CTS Coupe Matchbox MB815 : Cadillac CTS Coupe
13 Ground Grinder MB886-03 : Ground Grinder ©ADLAR58
14 Crop Master
15 Water Tanker Matchbox MB840-03 : Water Hauler
16 Road Roller
17 International CXT MB687-19 : International CXT
18 57 GMC Stepside MB786-08 : 1957 GMC Stepside Pick Up
19 3 Axle Dump Truck
20 Scraper
21 Pit King
22 Power Lift MB704-17 : Power Lift
23 All Terrain Crane
24 Dump Dozer
25 Tractor Plow MB950-01 : Tractor Plow Matchbox - New ModelRe-Issued MB686
26 Torque Titan
27 Load Lifter MB856-03 : Load Lifter
28 Trail Tipper
29 Tractor MB703-18 : Tractor
30 Ground Breaker MB948-01 : Ground Breaker Matchbox - New ModelRe-Issued MB707
31 Sowing Machine (MBX FRM 6000)
32 Quarry King
33 Highway Maintenance Truck
34 Desert Thunder V16 Matchbox MB712-A-47 : Desert Thunder V16
35 ’76 International Scout 4×4 MB864-03 : International Scout 4x4MB864-04 : International Scout 4x4MB864-05 : International Scout 4x4
36 Sand Shredder Matchbox MB861 : Sand Shredder
37 ’85 Toyota 4Runner
38 BMW R-1200 GS Motorcycle
39 4×4 Scrambulance MB845-04 : 4x4 Scrambulance
40 Chevy K-1500 Matchbox MB249 : Chevrolet K-1500 Pick-Up 4x4
41 Deep Diver Matchbox MB891 : Deep Diver
42 Questor Matchbox - New Model
43 Blizzard Buster MB934-01 : Blizzard Buster Matchbox - New ModelRe-Tooled MB842
44 Cliff Hanger MB795-10 : Cliff Hanger © Mattel, Inc.
45 Quick Sander Matchbox MB767 : Quick Sander
46 Terrain Trouncer
47 Frost Fighter
48 Hummer With Ramp
49 Road Tripper MB825-09 : Road Tripper
50 Baja Bullet
51 Sahara Survivor
52 Jeep Wrangler Superlift
53 Rock Shocker
54 Toyota FJ Cruiser
55 Land Rover Defender 110 Matchbox MB838-A : Land Rover Defender 110 Matchbox MB838-A : Land Rover Defender 110
56 Vantom
57 Ford F-150 SVT Raptor Matchbox MB788-11 : ’10 Ford F-150 Raptor
58 ATV 6×6 MB831-06 : ATV 6x6
59 Jungle Crawler Matchbox MB783 : Jungle Crawler
60 MBX 4×4 MB748-21 : MBX 4x4
61 Coyote 500
62 Dune Dog
63 MB423 : Volkswagen Beetle 4×4 Matchbox MB723-15 : Volkswagen Beetle 4x4
64 Jeep Hurricane Concept Matchbox MB670 : Jeep Hurricane
65 Road Raider MB895-02 : Road Raider
66 Blaze Buster
67 Whiplash
68 Turn Tamer
69 MBX Coupe
70 Range Rover Evoque
71 BMW M1
72 2006 Fire Engine Matchbox MB949 : Flame Tamer
73 BMW R1200 RT-8 Police Motorcycle
74 Amphi Flyer
75 Ford E-250 Ambulance
76 ’56 Buick Century Police Car
77 Seagrave Fire Engine MB843-05 : Seagrave Fire Engine
78 S.W.A.T. Truck MB830-06 : S.W.A.T. Truck
79 Pierce Dash Fire Engine Matchbox MB755-19: Pierce Dash Fire Engine
80 Renault Master Ambulance Matchbox MB885 : Renault Master Ambulance
81 Lamborghini Gallardo Police Car Matchbox MB867-03 : Lamborghini Gallardo LP560-4 Police
82 Ford F-550 Super Duty MB817-09 : Ford F-550 Super Duty
83 Oshkosh M-ATV Matchbox MB855-04 : Oshkosh M-ATV
84 2012 Dodge Charger Police Interceptor MB933-01 : Dodge Charger Pursuit
85 Ford F-350 Superlift Brush Truck Matchbox MB938 : Superlift Ford F-350 Super Duty
86 International MXT-MVA
87 Ford Police Interceptor Matchbox MB821-11 : Ford Taurus Police Interceptor Matchbox MB821-10 : Ford Taurus Police Interceptor
88 Blaze Blitzer
89 International Work Star Brush Fire Truck Matchbox MB939-01 : International Workstar Brush Fire Truck Matchbox - New ModelRe-release of MB801
90 BMW X5 (Police)
91 Armored Recon Vehicle MB510-10 : Armored Response Vehicle
92 Fire Smasher
93 Subaru Impreza WRX Police Matchbox MB751-05 : Subaru Impreza Police
94 ’43 Jeep Willys
95 ’93 Ford Mustang Police Car  Matchbox MB969-01 : 1992 Ford Mustang Police car Matchbox - New Model
96 Field Tripper  MB902-01 : Field Tripper Matchbox - New Model
97 Land Rover LR4 This model was cancelled & replaced with the Dodge A100
97 ’66 Dodge A-100 Truck Matchbox MB862-02 : MB862 : ´66 Dodge A100 Pickup
98 Garbage Gulper MB904-01 : Garbage Gulper Matchbox - New Model
99 Alfa Romeo 4c