The third Lesney model of the Aveling Barford road roller joined the Matchbox 1-75 series in 1958 when it replaced the slightly smaller 57mm long 1956 issue of the 1b road roller.
The new road roller measured 62mm in length and was initially painted light green like on the previous issue and it had red die cast metal rollers and the rear rollers were 7mm wide and could have a short or long inner hub. The axles were dome head with crimped ends
The driver and hook were not trimmed in brown or gold as found on the previous issue.
The model was later recoloured to dark green and later still the axles were changed to dome head with rounded ends with either short or long inner hubs on 7mm wide rear rollers.
The final issue was fitted with narrower rear rollers that measured just 6mm wide which had the shorter type inner hubs.
Apart from the rear rollers there were no other casting variations. Although this issue was in production for four years it is not very common, It was replaced by another almost identical but slightly longer Aveling Barford but this new issue was fitted with red plastic rollers.
It was packaged in ‘B’ and ‘C’ type boxes and although several examples have been seen packaged in ‘D’ type boxes I can’t confirm that they originally came this way
Released: 1953 Body: Dark Green Front Wheels: Metal Roller Wide (Red) Rear Wheels: Metal Roller Narrow (Red) Driver: Brown Roof Type: 1 Side Brace: No Inner Step: No
Released: 1953 Body: Dark Green Front Wheels: Metal Roller Wide (Red) Rear Wheels: Metal Roller Narrow (Red) Driver: Brown Roof Type: 2 Side Brace: No Inner Step: No
Released: 1953 Body: Dark Green Front Wheels: Metal Roller Wide (Red) Rear Wheels: Metal Roller Narrow (Red) Driver: Brown Roof Type: 3 Side Brace: Yes Inner Step: Yes
Released: 1953 Body: Dark Green Front Wheels: Metal Roller Wide (Red) Rear Wheels: Metal Roller Narrow (Red) Driver: Brown Roof Type: 3 Side Brace: Yes Inner Step: Yes
Released: 1953 Body: Yellow/Green Front Wheels: Metal Roller Wide (Red) Rear Wheels: Metal Roller Narrow (Red) Driver: Brown Roof Type: 3 Side Brace: Yes Inner Step: Yes
Released: 1953 Body: Yellow/Green Front Wheels: Metal Roller Wide (Red) Rear Wheels: Metal Roller Narrow (Red) Driver: Brown Roof Type: 3 Side Brace: Yes Inner Step: No
Released: 1953 Body: Pale Green Front Wheels: Metal Roller Wide (Red) Rear Wheels: Metal Roller Narrow (Red) Driver: Brown Roof Type: 3 Side Brace: Yes Inner Step: Yes
Released: 1953 Body: Pale Green Front Wheels: Metal Roller Wide (Red) Rear Wheels: Metal Roller Narrow (Red) Driver: Brown Roof Type: 3 Side Brace: Yes Inner Step: No
Type 1 is considered Hard to Find, Type 2 is Very Rare
*Image courtesy of Dave Rogers & Nick Jones’ Vintage British Diecast website
An early curved canopy roller without side brace or step cast.
A Later straight canopy roller with side brace cast in.
Another straight canopy roller with front step cast in
Images courtesy Antonin Shenk
Full description, information and write up from the website Vintage British Diecast by Nick Jones:
We have all heard the story of how Lesney’s Matchbox 1-75 series originated in 1953 when Jack O’dell’s daughter Anne, was told by her teacher that she could only bring a toy to school if it was small enough to fit inside a matchbox. I recently heard from Jack’s grandson James Harnetty who, after 58 years of misinformation, wanted to set the record straight, This is what he told me.
“….Anne kept bringing worms and spiders home from school in an old matchbox, My grandpa Jack said to Anne that if he makes her a toy that fits into the matchbox would she promise never to bring the worms and spiders home again, she did and the following day he made a small road roller which fitted. When he picked her up from school all the kids were asking for one as well. I am positive that this is correct as we always used to laugh about it at home on how Anne used to bring these little critters home and drive Grandpa mad.” James Harnetty
Matchbox 01A Road Roller variants (L to R: Dark Green, Yellow/Green & Pale Green)
Jack made her a scaled down copy of the 1947 Lesney large scale roller in brass, They realised they could be onto a money spinner and put the model into production followed shortly by the 2A site dumper, the 3A cement mixer and the 4A tractor. At the time Lesney did not have the distribution facilities so sales were handled by J.Kohnstam limited a toy factor was selling the toys under their Moko trademark. The owner of Moko suggested they package the new range of miniatures in a box that resembled a matchbox and the rest is history.
The roller body was a three piece casting consisting of the body, the roof which had “Lesney England” cast in the the underside and the cage that held the front roller, the rollers were held on by flat head axles with crimped ends and the model was enhanced with hand applied gold trim to the front roller pivot, the hook, the access doors on the sides and to the sides of the drivers seat, the driver was painted brown.
The first three issues were painted dark green, then there were two fairly short runs, one was painted pale green and the other one was painted a dark yellowish green, Both the pale green and yellowish green are quite hard to find. The wheels were always painted red
There were three different roof castings, The first had curved lower ends of the canopy and no strengthening webs cast in to the roof supporting posts, The second version also had curved ends to the canopy but this one had rather ugly strengthening webs added to the roof supports, This one looked even messier than the first version so the webs were quickly removed and the ends of the canopy were straightened giving the canopy a much cleaner line. The upper part of the roof poles were also thickened slightly at this time, The first version is quite rare, The second version is even rarer and few examples are known to exist, the third version is by far the most common. I have to thank J.P. (Tinman) of the MCCH and Dave Rogers for pointing out that I originally had the first two roof castings listed the wrong way round, Not having seen either type in the flesh I mistakenly listed them in the wrong order.
The model was sold in ‘A’ and ‘B’ type boxes, The “A” type box had the word “Moko” in script and the ‘B’ type “Moko” was in capital letters, The ‘A’ box will fetch a small premium. The model was replaced by the 1B road roller in 1956.
Antonin Shenk and Martin Avis from the forum have shown us two unlisted casting variations found on the earliest examples,
The most significant variation was to the inside of the body casting where a bulge or brace was cast into the side of the body which was possibly added to aid metal flow as it can be found on all roller castings except the earliest ones which had either of the curved canopy type roofs fitted.
The second casting variation was also to the inside of the body casting where a step was cast into the front of the body where the front canopy supports locate through the body, Again, only the earliest curved canopy versions don’t have the step cast in but the straight canopy versions may or may not have the step, Possibly the step may have been added to only one side of the die making both versions equally common, Included in the list are the known variations but this was compiled using very few samples so other variations may well exist, As a matter of interest the early Lesney large scale road roller also has the step cast in but not the side brace.
I had the pleasure of meeting Jack Odell in 2004 at the Matchbox memories exhibition at the Hackney museum and I asked him if he still had the original brass road roller and he told me he did not but what a wonderful collection centerpiece that would make if it were ever to come to light.
Over the years many original designs or generic models have been released by Matchbox this is to help reduce costs and thus improve the profits of the range. Many designs lend themselves really well to this concept like road rollers or graders as most children will not know (or care) about branding and licensed models. Here is a list of all those models :
In 2017 there are 4 distinct segments that all vehicles were categorised in to, they are: MBX Adventure City MBX Construction MBX Heroic Rescue MBX Explorers There were 3 types of packaging used :